& N Education 

Educational workshops for everyone 


We have designed a series of workshops to help you and your family improve your communications skills in a foreign language and to provide ways to meet native people from other countries. 

We can put you in contact with people in Spain via letter exchanges, as a family or as a student on your own. We can also bring you close to people from overseas via zoom, to gain fluency whilst sharing news and current affairs from around the world.

“We are M & N” likes teaching languages outside the box ( and the classroom ) and we have endless ideas to do that.

We hope you will find this interesting. This is an evolving page so if you want to hear from us regarding future workshops, we suggest you sign up to our blog here.

Letters from

Pictures from

News from

D of E Skills


Practise English and Spanish and meet people from other countries when you join our international programme of letter exchanges.  This programme will enable you to  send and receive letters from and to a designated fellow participant and will help you develop both writing and reading skills. We spice up the programme by suggesting other means of communication and activities along the way. 

For Students: 

 GCSE / A level  | Students of the ages of  12 and 17 | Groups max 4 students 

  6 weeks / 1 session a week ( 2 outbound and 2 inbound letters plus an online session to meet )

  Students  £75  

Date: contact us

For families: 

For families with children 8+  | 2 families ( One Spanish One English) | Practise English and Spanish  | Make friends for life 

One 30 min introductory session lead by We Are M & N / full programme to follow including topic of conversation / suggestions on how to make it more enjoyable / One 30 min end of program session facilitated by We are M & N  to meet again and discuss the journey. Session left open so participants can interact longer. 

 £25 / €30 per family 

Open your front door. What can you see ? 

If your children missed out on their language students’ exchange during COVID, this might be the closest thing to it. Our “Pictures from” program enables children from England to communicate with children in Spain in a fun and safe environment, to practise their communication skills in a creative way, or simply to learn about the lives of children in a different country.

Sign up for this course and discover how children live in other countries by sharing pictures of your daily life routines.

GCSE A  & Level focused on speaking exams  | from 14 to 17 years old | Groups of max 4 students 

 6 weeks / 1 session a week 

Students  £60 / €70

Date: contact us



Are you interested in finding out what is happening in other places of the world? Have you ever wondered how other countries perceive your news, and see the world in general?  Practice English online through a program of themed sessions. Improve your speaking skills and meet people from other countries as you learn about their current affairs and life in general. 

Adults 21 + | Groups of max 5 students 

 6 weeks / 1 session a week 

Fee  £60 / €70   

This is an ongoing course paid every 6 weeks in advance. 

Starting 4 March 2021


Does the idea of learning to speak a new language sound appealing? Imagine going on holiday to a Spanish speaking country and can talk to local boys and girls? Do you love to dance the night away to Spanish music? How cool would it be to understand the lyrics?

We have three courses available depending on how far you want to go with your awards. All our lessons are led by native Skills assessors and take place once weekly during Term time.

Learn a new language | Gain opportunities to connect | Understand other cultures | See the world | increase employability.

 Bronze Award | Silver Award | Gold Award 

£100 per block of 3 months


LEARN to introduce yourself and ask and give personal information (nationality, profession, telephone number, address, etc) to describe your family (physical appearance and their character) /  be able to discuss your subject likes and dislikes at school and other relevant vocabulary /  to greet at different times of the day and talk about the weather / to talk about your pastimes including technology /  to describe your town and learn how to buy something in a shop /  to ask and give basic directions. LEARN General Spanish grammar ( gender, plural & articles) / pronunciation and spelling / Telling the time /  Verbs ( how to conjugate most used verbs) / Most common Spanish idioms / False friend / Most commonly made mistakes and untranslatable sentences SING you will be able to practise what you have learnt through learning lyrics from most up to date music in Spain.

And when you have LEARNT a lot and have achieved your SILVER award WOW WELL DONE we want to congratulate you and make the  journey GOLD really fun. Learning a language is only worth it when you can finally speak it, when you can test your language skills with the real world (the natives).

During the next few months, we want you to communicate with real people in Spain. We have lots set up for you. From letters, exchange to live online conversation session and much more.