This winter feel festive in London

This winter feel festive in London

You have probably been to London many times, but I bet you have never visited Kew gardens, one of the most beautiful landmarks in the city which turns spectacular every Christmas. Walk under twinkling canopies, past flickering flames and impressive light trail, and...
M&N va à Lyon (8-12 May 25)

M&N va à Lyon (8-12 May 25)

“Every man has two countries: his own and France.” ~ John F. Kennedy About our destination That Lyon is a sterling choice for bon vivants becomes evident within seconds of tucking into coq au vin in a jam-packed bistro, admiring fine art in a Renaissance abbey,...
MALAGA FOR FUN – 15 to 18 November 2024

MALAGA FOR FUN – 15 to 18 November 2024

En cada lugar se pueden encontrar muchas ciudades invisibles. Depende de la mirada propia. Aún más, basta el estado de ánimo o las circunstancias que se viven para apreciar una o otra, basta que pasen los años y vuelvas al mismo lugar para componerlo de otra manera....
Pedro Almodóvar

Pedro Almodóvar

Pedro Almodóvar is the most internationally acclaimed Spanish filmmaker. He was born in a small town (Calzada de Calatrava) in the deprived Spanish region of La Mancha. He arrived in Madrid in 1968, and survived by selling used items in the flea-market called El...
English Coaching Sessions

English Coaching Sessions

Conversational English This course has been designed to help you improve your spoken English and widen your vocabulary. This is done through a series of sessions planned around specific themes. The course is open to anyone who has good knowledge and command of the...
Spanish bands. Carlos Tangana

Spanish bands. Carlos Tangana

Today we want to share with you a song by Carlos Tangana from his third studio album,  El Madrileño. The Spanish singer-songwriter and rapper intended to explore a more organic and guitar-oriented sound to his previous hip hop, trap, and urban Latin...